Wie viel Geld in Facebook steckt zeigt der bald anstehende Börsengang sehr deutlich, aber auch in die Unternehmen rund um Facebook wird stark investiert. Eine neue Infografik von AlphaBoost untersucht die Investitionen in die Facebook Preferred Marketing Developers. Die Zahlen in der Grafik mit einem Gesamtinvestment von über 915 Millionen US$ zeigen ganz klar die Größe dieses Marktes. Im passenden Blogbeitrag zeigt AlphaBoost aber auch wie kritisch oder risikoreich diese Investments sind:
The majority of investor dollars is going into Facebook advertising and Page management companies. Although Ads API vendors have received over $450,000,000 to date, it was interesting to note that the Ads API is only being utilized by 17.7% of Preferred Marketing Developers. Apps are the clear favorite with 178 companies or 77% of PMD’s building products in this category.
It was shocking to see how similar the product offerings are for most of the Ads API vendors. These companies are getting a lot of investment looks but the majority of them are not building game-changing technology. They’re positioning themselves against the competition by marketing their expertise in certain aspects of the Facebook advertising process.