Am letzten Donnerstag ist die Facebook Platform fünf Jahre alt geworden. Am 24. Mai 2007 wurde auf der ersten F8 die Facebook Platform mit insgesamt 65 Apps vorgestellt. Etwas über ein Jahr später existierten schon über 30.000 Anwendungen auf Facebook. Dies alles war allerdings nur der Grundstein für die heutigen Entwicklungen die weit über die damaligen Funktionen hinaus reichen. Mashable hat die einzelnen Meilensteine in einer Infografik zusammengefasst:

Nicht nur als Infografik haben wir die Daten. An dieser Stelle wollen wir euch die oben beschriebenen Meilensteine, zusammen mit ein paar weiteren, noch einmal kurz als Text bereitstellen:
- 24.05.2007 – F8: f8: Platform launches with 70 app developers, including Washingtion Post, Digg, Slide, etc.
- 17.09.2007 – Facebook launches fbFund; Accel Partners and Founders Fund provide $10 million a year in grants to startups building on Platform. These startups include breakout successes like Wildfire, Zimride and RunMyErrand (now TaskRabbit).
- 03.11.2007 – 7,000 apps on Facebook Platform, with about 100 added daily.
- 23.07.2008 – At f8 2008, there were 33,000 apps on Facebook Platform.
- 23.07.2008 – Announced Login with Facebook (aka Facebook Connect)
- 04.12.2008 – Login with Facebook widely available
- 19.04.2009 – Comments box launches
- 02.09.2009 – Zynga game Farmville hits 1 million users
- 09.11.2009 – Playfish acquired by EA for $400 million
- 16.12.2009 – Preferred Developer Consultant program launches with 14 companies
- 17.02.2010 – Study finds that the average social gamer is a 43-year-old woman, shifting perception that online gamers are teenage boys in their basements.
- 21.04.2010 – f8 2010: Social plugins launch. The Like button launches with 30 sites, such as CNN, ESPN and IMDb
- 22.04.2010 – Like button served 1 billion times in the first 24 hours
- 27.07.2010 – Playdom, maker of games like Social City and Sorority Life, acquired by Disney in $760 million deal
- 21.10.2010 – Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Zynga and Amazon partner with Facebook to launch $250 million sFund – an initiatvie to fund new social apps and services.
- 03.11.2010 – Single Sign On launches, making it easy for people to sign into mobile apps using Facebook. Product now used by apps like Draw Something, Diamond Dash and X.
- 01.07.2011 – Zynga files to go public
- 12.07.2011 – PopCap, maker of Facebook hit Bejeweled Blitz, acquired by EA for over $1 billion dollars
- 19.09.2011 – Facebook Platform found to have generated 182,000 jobs in the US, creating $12.19 billion in value to the economy.
- 22.09.2011 – f8 2011: TImeline and timeline apps announced.
- 10.10.2011 – Facebook brings social discovery to mobile apps.
- 08.11.2011 – Music comes to Platform with developers such as Spotify, Deezer, and MOG.
- 18.01.2012 – Timeline apps launch in new categories like fashion, food, travel and fitness.
- 24.01.2012 – Facebook Platform responsible for 232,000 jobs in the EU, creating 15.3 billion (Euros) in value to the economy.
- 01.02.2012 – Every month, there are 8x as many people playing games on Facebook than the peak average viewership of American Idol, one of the highest-rated TV shows in the history of television
- 12.03.2012 – In less than 3 months, more than 3,000 timeline apps on Facebook
- 31.03.2012 – Facebook sent more than 160 million visitors to mobile apps in March. These mobile visitors were responsible for more than 1.1 billion visits to mobile apps in the same time frame.
- 31.03.2012 – 9 million apps and websites integrated with Facebook Platform
- 17.04.2012 – Launch of Facebook Listen button, enabling people to listen to bands and artists‘ music from their Facebook Pages.
- 18.04.2012 – Preferred Developer Consultant program combined with the Marketing API Program, becoming the Preferred Marketing Developer program and growing to 232 companies in 35 countries.
- 18.04.2012 – 7 out of 10 most popular free apps in Apple app store integrated with Facebook
- 28.04.2012 – 7 out of 10 top grossing iOS apps are integrated with Facebook