Kurzmitteilungen #1


David Ebersman neuer Finanzchef
David Ebersman ist neue Chief Financial Officer, er wechselt von der Biotechnologiefirma Genentech.

Today Facebook has announced the appointment of David Ebersman, the former executive vice president and chief financial officer (CFO) of Genentech as the chief financial officer of Facebook. Gideon Yu was the previous CFO and was let go under rumored tension between him and Mark Zuckerberg.

Building an Ad Network Inside Facebook: Q&A with SocialCash CEO Rob Jewell
Interview mit dem SocialCash CEO Rob Jewell über den aktuellen Markt und die Pläne von SocialCash in der Zukunft.

„Since the Facebook Platform launched two years ago, Facebook has taken a relatively open approach to third parties interested in building advertising networks on the Platform. One of the companies that has been active on Facebook ever since the Platform launched is Washington, DC-based SocialCash, which has now entirely focused its efforts on Facebook. We recently spoke with SocialCash CEO Rob Jewell about the current state of the market, the recent Facebook policy enforcement actions that were taken against other Facebook Platform ad networks, and SocialCash’s plans going forward.“

Username Registration for Facebook Pages With Under 1,000 Fans Opens Tonight
InsideFacebook zur neuen Runde an Facebook Vanity Urls für Public Profiles mit mehr als 100 Fans.

„Two weeks ago, Facebook opened up username registration to all users, but only those Pages with over 1,000 fans before May 31. Tonight, the second wave of vanity URLs are being released to any Page with over 100 fans at 11:59pm ET (8:59pm PT).

To get your username, head on over to facebook.com/username this evening.“

A Closer Look at Facebook’s New Privacy Options
ReadWriteWeb zu den neuen Privacy Optionen die Usern auf Facebook in Zukunft angeboten werden.

Chances are you wouldn’t tell grandma about the wild party you went to last Saturday night. Likewise, you might have spent Sunday evening at home knittin‘ a mitten and only feel secure enough in your manhood to share pictures of your fiber craft with family. While real life communication lets us share different things with different people, online social networking has tended to have two modes: public or private.

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