Meilenstein: aktive Facebook Nutzer!

Wie Mark Zuckerberg gerade verkündet hat besitzt Facebook nun über eine Milliarde aktive Nutzer weltweit! Als aktiven Nutzer zählt Facebook jeden Nutzer der sich innerhalb der letzten 30 Tage mindestens ein einziges Mal eingeloggt hat. Laut eigenen Statistiken loggen sich über 50% der Nutzer täglich auf Facebook ein, damit wären also über 500 Millionen Nutzer pro Tag auf Facebook aktiv. 

In Deutschland sind derzeit etwas unter 25 Millionen Nutzer auf Facebook aktiv, damit sind wir weltweit innerhalb der Top 10 der aktivsten Länder auf Facebook.

Mit über Nutzer hat Facebook zwar noch Potential nach oben, müsste sich dabei allerdings auch auf Märkte wie China stürzten. Bleibt spannend wie es weiter geht! Glückwunsch aber an Facebook & Mark!

Hier noch ein paar Zahlen die Facebook selbst veröffentlicht hat: 

One billion – key metrics

Facebook reached 1 billion monthly active users on September 14 at 12.45 PM Pacific time.

Since Facebook launched, we’ve seen:

  • Over 1.13 trillion likes since launch in February 2009
  • 140.3 billion friend connections
    • including check-ins
    • Includes location-tagged posts as well as check-ins. Data was pulled 9/10/2012, and represents total location-tagged posts & check-ins since launch of the product in August 2010
    • 219 billion photos uploaded
      • Data was pulled on 9/10/2012, and represents the total # of photos currently on this site – in other words, it excludes deleted photos.  If we wanted to include all photos ever uploaded, the estimate we have is 265 billion. Photo uploading launched fall 2005.
      • 17 billion location-tagged posts, including check-ins
        • Includes location-tagged posts as well as check-ins. Data was pulled 9/10/2012, and represents total location-tagged posts & check-ins since launch of the product in August 2010
        • 62.6 million songs have been played 22 billion times – that’s about 210,000 years of music
          • Data was pulled on 9/11/2012, and represents song plays since the launch of music-listening applications in September 2011


Characteristics of users joining the week Facebook hit 1B

  • The median age of the user is about 22
  • The top five countries where people connected from at the time we reached this milestone were Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the United States (NOTE: in alphabetical order)
  • Facebook now has 600M mobile users


Characteristics of users joining the week Facebook hit 500M users (July 2010)

  • The median age of the user at that time was about 23
  • Top five countries where people connected from at the time we reached this milestone were Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and the United States (NOTE: in alphabetical order)
  • Users signing up at this time now have an average of 305 friends


Characteristics of users joining the week we hit 100M (August 2008)

  • The median age of the user at that time was about 26
  • The top five countries where people connected from at the time we reached this milestone were Chile, France, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States (NOTE: in alphabetical order)
  • The user signing up at this time now has an average 334 friends


Characteristics of users joining the week Facebook hit 50M users (October 2007)

  • The median age of the user signing up at this time was about 26
  • Top five countries where people connected from at the time we reached this milestone were Australia, Canada, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States (NOTE: in alphabetical order)
  • Users signing up at this time now have an average of 321 friends


Characteristics of users joining the week Facebook hit 25M users (January 2006)

  • The median age of users signing up at that time was about 19
  • The top five countries where people connected from at the time we reached this milestone were Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States (NOTE: in alphabetical order)
  • Users who signed up at this time now have an average of 598 friends


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