Social Media Marketing 2017 – 24 große Kampagnen mit Award als Best Practice

Was sind große State of the Art Social Media Kampagnen im Jahr 2017? Facebook hat die Antwort für euch, zumindest auf Kampagnen die Facebook, Instagram oder den Messenger nutzen. Jedes Jahr sucht Facebook innerhalb des „Facebook Award“ die Besten der Besten und vergibt Preise an die Best Practices der letzten Monate.

Insgesamt gab es in diesem Jahr 24 Awards in den 5 Kategorien „ACT“, „CRY“, „LOVE“, „LAUGH“ und „WOW“. Die Umsetzung und Mechanik war dabei bunt gemischt. Von einfachen Werbekampagnen, über Facebook Bots, Viralen Aktionen bis hin zur Anbindung der Facebook Schnittstellen. Die Gewinner kamen zum großen Teil aus den USA, aber auch Kampagnen aus Brasilien, Australien, Polen, Indonesien oder Dänemark waren unter den Gewinnern.


„This is the work that made us laugh — the work, that captured our attention, got us to crack a smile, and caused serious LOLs. It made us feel good and took humor to another level.“

Facebook Not Live

Shoes: Impossible


Little Caesars Facebook Surprises

Spanish Lessons



This is the work that moved us to act — the work that woke us up and made us do something. It inspired action and had a measurable impact on sales or related metrics.

Anonymous Friend




The Adventures of Little Brush Big Brush

Your Name Saves


This is the work that made us cry — the work that got us all emotional, inspired compassion, and helped us see things differently. It made us think and connected with audiences through storytelling.



The DNA Journey


This is the work that made us fall in love with a brand — the work that spoke to us where it counts. It won our hearts and improved brand sentiment and perception.

All That We Share

Playstation Search for Greatness

Pocket Patrol

We Are Here


This is the work that wowed us—the work marked by innovation. It made our jaws drop and forged new paths for a brand’s presence on our platforms.



Made in a Minute

Mr. Robot Season 2 Digital Launch

Out of Office Travelogue

Das war es. Die Facebook Awards aus 2017. 

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